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import Tabs from '@theme/Tabs'; import TabItem from '@theme/TabItem';

Cloud Run is in Alpha, which means APIs may change in any version and documentation is not yet finished. See the changelog to stay up to date with breaking changes.

1. Install @remotion/cloudrun

<Tabs defaultValue="npm" values={[ { label: 'npm', value: 'npm', }, { label: 'yarn', value: 'yarn', }, { label: 'pnpm', value: 'pnpm', }, ] }>

npm i @remotion/cloudrun
npm i @remotion/cloudrun
pnpm i @remotion/cloudrun
pnpm i @remotion/cloudrun
yarn add @remotion/cloudrun
yarn add @remotion/cloudrun

Also update all the other Remotion packages to have the same version: remotion, @remotion/cli and others.


Make sure no package version number has a ^ character in front of it as it can lead to a version conflict.

Your package.json should look like the following:

"@remotion/cli": "4.0.0", // Replace 4.0.0 with the current version
"@remotion/cloudrun": "4.0.0", // Remove any `^` character
// ...
"remotion": "4.0.0",
"@remotion/cli": "4.0.0", // Replace 4.0.0 with the current version
"@remotion/cloudrun": "4.0.0", // Remove any `^` character
// ...
"remotion": "4.0.0",

2. Create a GCP project

Navigate to the Manage Resources screen in Google Cloud Console.

  • On the Select organization drop-down list at the top of the page, select the organization resource in which you want to create a project. If you are a free trial user, skip this step, as this list does not appear.
  • Click Create Project.
  • In the New Project window that appears, enter a project name and select a billing account as applicable. A project name can contain only letters, numbers, single quotes, hyphens, spaces, or exclamation points, and must be between 4 and 30 characters.
  • Enter the parent organization or folder resource in the Location box. That resource will be the hierarchical parent of the new project. If No organization is an option, you can select it to create your new project as the top level of its own resource hierarchy.
  • When you're finished entering new project details, click Create.

3. Enable billing in the GCP Project

In order to enable the Cloud Run API, billing must be enabled in this project. Navigate to the Billing screen in Google Cloud Console. Follow the on-screen prompts to create a billing account, and then link the new project to this billing account.

4. Setup Permissions / APIs / Service Account in GCP


Google Cloud Shell is a browser-based command-line interface (CLI) for managing resources and applications hosted on GCP. It provides a virtual machine with pre-installed command-line tools and utilities, including the Google Cloud SDK and Terraform. Through this shell you can access your projects, resources, and services directly in the browser. The following steps pull in a script to enable necessary APIs, resources and permissions in your project.

  1. Navigate to the Dashboard and ensure your new project selected in the top drop-down. Then, in the top right hand corner of the screen, click the Activate Cloud Shell icon

  2. Within the Cloud Shell, type the following command and follow the prompts.

    curl -L | tar -x -C . && node install.mjs
    curl -L | tar -x -C . && node install.mjs
  • Select 1to setup this project for Remotion Cloud Run, or to run the setup again for an update.
  • Select 2to generate a new .env file, or manage keys already created, and follow these steps instead.
  1. When prompted to apply the plan, type yes. When prompted to generate the .env files, type yes.

  2. Run the following command to view the environment variables. Copy them into your local .env file (create it if it doesn't exist):

    cat .env
    cat .env
  3. Remove the .env file from the virtual machine:

    rm .env
    rm .env

5. Optional: Validate the permission setup

From within your code base, run the following command to validate the permissions are setup correctly in GCP. As long as your GCP project was setup with a matching Remotion version, this should pass.

npx remotion cloudrun permissions
npx remotion cloudrun permissions

For the following steps, you may execute them on the CLI, or programmatically using the Node.JS APIs.

6. Deploy a service

<Tabs defaultValue="cli" values={[ { label: 'CLI', value: 'cli', }, { label: 'Node.JS', value: 'node', }, ] }>

Deploy a service that can render videos into your GCP project by executing the following command:

npx remotion cloudrun services deploy
npx remotion cloudrun services deploy

You can deploy a service that can render videos into your GCP project using deployService().

const deployResult = await deployService({
projectID: "my-remotion-project",
region: "us-east1",
const deployResult = await deployService({
projectID: "my-remotion-project",
region: "us-east1",

The object that is returned contains a name field, which you'll need for rendering.

The service consists of necessary binaries and JavaScript code that can take a serve URL and make renders from it. A service is bound to the Remotion version, if you upgrade Remotion, you need to deploy a new service. A service does not include your Remotion code, it will be deployed in the next step instead.

A Cloud Run URL will be printed, providing unique endpoint for accessing the deployed service and performing a render. Alternatively you can use the Service Name, that is also printed, for accessing the deployed service and performing a render.

7. Deploy a site

<Tabs defaultValue="cli" values={[ { label: 'CLI', value: 'cli', }, { label: 'Node.JS', value: 'node', }, ] }>

Run the following command to deploy your Remotion project to a Cloud Storage bucket. Pass as the last argument the entry point of the project.

npx remotion cloudrun sites create src/index.ts --site-name=my-video
npx remotion cloudrun sites create src/index.ts --site-name=my-video

A serveUrl will be printed pointing to the deployed project.

When you update your Remotion video in the future, redeploy your site. Pass the same --site-name to overwrite the previous deploy. If you don't pass --site-name, a unique URL will be generated on every deploy.

First, you need to create a Cloud Storage bucket in your preferred region. If one already exists, it will be used instead:

import path from "path";
import { deploySite, getOrCreateBucket } from "@remotion/cloudrun";
const { bucketName } = await getOrCreateBucket({
region: "us-east1",
import path from "path";
import { deploySite, getOrCreateBucket } from "@remotion/cloudrun";
const { bucketName } = await getOrCreateBucket({
region: "us-east1",

Next, upload your Remotion project to a Cloud Storage bucket. Specify the entry point of your Remotion project, this is the file where registerRoot() is called.

const { serveUrl } = await deploySite({
entryPoint: path.resolve(process.cwd(), "src/index.ts"),
siteName: "my-video",
const { serveUrl } = await deploySite({
entryPoint: path.resolve(process.cwd(), "src/index.ts"),
siteName: "my-video",

When you update your Remotion video in the future, redeploy your site. Pass the same siteName to overwrite the previous deploy. If you don't pass siteName, a unique URL will be generated on every deploy.

8. Render a video or still

<Tabs groupId="access" defaultValue="cli" values={[ { label: 'CLI', value: 'cli', }, { label: 'Node.JS', value: 'node', }, ] }>

<Tabs groupId="renderType" defaultValue="media" values={[ { label: 'Render Media', value: 'media', }, { label: 'Render Still', value: 'still', }, ] }>

  • <serve-url | site-name> The serve URL was returned during step 7, site deployment. If using a serve url from a Cloud Storage bucket, you can pass the site-name instead.
  • <composition-id> Pass in the ID of the composition you'd like to render.

<Tabs groupId="cliRender" defaultValue="cloudRunUrl" values={[ { label: 'Render using Cloud Run Url', value: 'cloudRunUrl', }, { label: 'Render using Service Name', value: 'serviceName', }, ] }>

  • <cloud-run-url> The Cloud Run URL was returned during step 6, service deployment.
npx remotion cloudrun render <serve-url | site-name> <composition-id> --cloud-run-url=<cloud-run-url>
npx remotion cloudrun render <serve-url | site-name> <composition-id> --cloud-run-url=<cloud-run-url>
  • <service-name> The Service Name was returned during step 6, service deployment.
  • <region> The region the Service is in, which was returned during step 6, service deployment. This is only required if using the service name.
npx remotion cloudrun render <serve-url | site-name> <composition-id> --service-name=<service-name> --region=<region>
npx remotion cloudrun render <serve-url | site-name> <composition-id> --service-name=<service-name> --region=<region>

Progress will be printed until the video finished rendering. Congrats! You rendered your first video using Remotion Cloudrun 🚀

  • <serve-url | site-name> The serve URL was returned during step 7, site deployment. If using a serve url from a Cloud Storage bucket, you can pass the site-name instead.
  • <still-id> Pass in the ID of the still you'd like to render.

<Tabs groupId="cliRender" defaultValue="cloudRunUrl" values={[ { label: 'Render using Cloud Run Url', value: 'cloudRunUrl', }, { label: 'Render using Service Name', value: 'serviceName', }, ] }>

  • <cloud-run-url> The Cloud Run URL was returned during step 6, service deployment.
npx remotion cloudrun still <serve-url | site-name> <still-id> --cloud-run-url=<cloud-run-url>
npx remotion cloudrun still <serve-url | site-name> <still-id> --cloud-run-url=<cloud-run-url>
  • <service-name> The Service Name was returned during step 6, service deployment.
  • <region> The region the Service is in, which was returned during step 6, service deployment. This is only required if using the service name.
npx remotion cloudrun still <serve-url | site-name> <still-id> --service-name=<service-name> --region=<region>
npx remotion cloudrun still <serve-url | site-name> <still-id> --service-name=<service-name> --region=<region>

Congrats! You rendered your first still using Remotion Cloudrun 🚀

<Tabs groupId="renderType" defaultValue="media" values={[ { label: 'Render Media', value: 'media', }, { label: 'Render Still', value: 'still', }, ] }>

You already have the service name from a previous step. But since you only need to deploy a service once, it's useful to retrieve the name of your deployed service programmatically before rendering a video in case your Node.JS program restarts. We can call getServices() with the compatibleOnly flag to get only services with a matching version.

import { getServices, renderMediaOnCloudrun } from "@remotion/cloudrun";
const services = await getServices({
region: "us-east1",
compatibleOnly: true,
const serviceName = services[0].serviceName;
import { getServices, renderMediaOnCloudrun } from "@remotion/cloudrun";
const services = await getServices({
region: "us-east1",
compatibleOnly: true,
const serviceName = services[0].serviceName;

We can now trigger a render of a video using the renderMediaOnCloudrun() function.

const result = await renderMediaOnCloudrun({
region: "us-east1",
serveUrl: url,
composition: "HelloWorld",
inputProps: {},
codec: "h264",
if (result.type === "success") {
const result = await renderMediaOnCloudrun({
region: "us-east1",
serveUrl: url,
composition: "HelloWorld",
inputProps: {},
codec: "h264",
if (result.type === "success") {

The render will now run and after a while the video will be available in your cloud storage bucket. You can keep track of the render progress by passing a function to the updateRenderProgress attribute, to receive progress as a number.

Congrats! Check your Cloud Storage Bucket - you just rendered your first video using Remotion Cloud Run 🚀

You already have the service name from a previous step. But since you only need to deploy a service once, it's useful to retrieve the name of your deployed service programmatically before rendering a video in case your Node.JS program restarts. We can call getServices() with the compatibleOnly flag to get only services with a matching version.

import { getServices, renderStillOnCloudrun } from "@remotion/cloudrun";
const services = await getServices({
region: "us-east1",
compatibleOnly: true,
const serviceName = services[0].serviceName;
import { getServices, renderStillOnCloudrun } from "@remotion/cloudrun";
const services = await getServices({
region: "us-east1",
compatibleOnly: true,
const serviceName = services[0].serviceName;

We can now trigger a render of a still using the renderStillOnCloudrun() function.

const result = await renderStillOnCloudrun({
region: "us-east1",
serveUrl: url,
composition: "HelloWorld",
inputProps: {},
imageFormat: "jpeg",
if (result.type === "success") {
const result = await renderStillOnCloudrun({
region: "us-east1",
serveUrl: url,
composition: "HelloWorld",
inputProps: {},
imageFormat: "jpeg",
if (result.type === "success") {

The render will now run and after a while the image will be available in your cloud storage bucket.

Congrats! Check your Cloud Storage Bucket - you just rendered your first still using Remotion Cloud Run 🚀

Next steps