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Cloud Run is in Alpha, which means APIs may change in any version and documentation is not yet finished. See the changelog to stay up to date with breaking changes.

import {SAPermissionList, SAPermissionTable} from '../../components/cloudrun/sa-permissions.tsx';

This document describes the necessary permissions for Remotion Cloud Run and explains to those interested why the permissions are necessary.

For a step by step guide on how to set up permissions, follow the setup guide.

Service Account permissions

This policy should be assigned to the Remotion Service Account. Following the automated setup, this is achieved by creating a custom role with the title Remotion API Service Account, and assigning that role to the Remotion Service Account.

To view and manually edit roles in your GCP project, go to the Roles page within IAM admin.

To view and manually edit permissions/roles assigned to Users or Service Accounts in your GCP project, go to the IAM page within IAM Admin.

Show full Remotion API Service Account permissions list for the latest Remotion Cloud Run version.

You can always get the suitable permission file for your Remotion Cloud Run version by typing npx remotion cloudrun permissions.

The following table is a breakdown of why Remotion Cloud Run requires the permissions it does.


There are two ways in which you can test if the permissions for the service account have been correctly set up. Either you execute the following command:

npx remotion cloudrun permissions
npx remotion cloudrun permissions

or if you want to validate it programmatically, using the testPermissions() function.

See also