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Get help

To receive help, either:

1 File an issue under
2 Write in the #help channel on

Provide information

Provide information that seems relevant to the issue. The more information that you give, the more we are able to help!

When you get an error:

1 Paste the full error message, including stack trace.
2 Provide the code or command that caused this error.

When you don't get an error:

1 Provide the code or command that you executed.
2 Describe what you expected.

Always mention the Remotion version:

npx remotion versions
npx remotion versions

Investigate yourself

The following might also be useful information to us:

1 What have you already tried?
2 Do you have an suspicion what might cause the issue?
3 Does the issue go away if you delete certain code?
4 Do you have any unusual parts in your stack or OS?


1 Use search engines or ChatGPT to solve React-specific problems.
2 Search over 700+ GitHub issues and 300+ documentation pages.
3 Attempt to find the root cause of an issue by narrowing down the code.
4 Provide relevant code snippets or reproductions.

Do not

1 Ask for support using email or direct messages.
2 Ask without searching the docs first.

See also