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Remotion 3.3

· 12 min read
Jonny Burger

import Tabs from '@theme/Tabs'; import TabItem from '@theme/TabItem'; import {MuxVideo} from '../src/components/MuxVideo'; import {TableOfContents} from '../components/TableOfContents/paths'; import {FfmpegVideo} from '../components/FFmpegVideo'

No more FFmpeg installation!

Now, when you are rendering a video and don't have FFmpeg installed, Remotion will download a copy for you. Previously, installing FFmpeg required 7 steps on Windows and took several minutes when using Homebrew on macOS.

When deploying Remotion on a server, you can now also let Remotion install FFmpeg for you using the ensureFfmpeg() API or the npx remotion install ffmpeg command. Learn more about FFmpeg auto-install here.

New @remotion/google-fonts package

It is now easy to import Google Fonts into Remotion! @remotion/google-fonts takes care of correct loading, and is fully type-safe!