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Remotion 3.1

ยท 5 min read
Jonny Burger

import Tabs from '@theme/Tabs'; import TabItem from '@theme/TabItem'; import {SpringsWithDurationDemo} from '../components/SpringsWithDurationDemo';

This release brings support for GIF as an output format, official support for Tailwind and makes springs and sequences easier! Plus we recap the best features from v3.0.1 until v3.0.31! ๐ŸŽ‰

Render as GIFโ€‹

To render a GIF instead of a video, pass the --codec=gif flag during a render. We tweaked Remotion's rendering process to adapt for the speciality that are GIFs:

  • Commonly, a GIF has a framerate in the range of 10-15, and so that you don't have to refactor your video, you can use the --every-nth-frame flag.

  • GIFs are loopable - using the --number-of-gif-loops flag you have control over the GIFs looping behavior!

  • You can even render your GIF distributed across many small VMs using Remotion Lambda!

<img style={{width: "100%"}} src="/img/render-as-gif.gif" />

You can put {""}'s in your GIF!

TailwindCSS supportโ€‹

After being broken for a while, TailwindCSS support is now stable, and we even made a starter template for it! To get started, visit our homepage, generate a GitHub repo from a template, try it out online via StackBlitz, or type the following into your terminal:

<Tabs defaultValue="npm" values={[ { label: 'npm', value: 'npm', }, { label: 'yarn', value: 'yarn', }, { label: 'pnpm', value: 'pnpm', }, ] }>

npx create-video --tailwind
npx create-video --tailwind
pnpm create video --tailwind
pnpm create video --tailwind
yarn create video --tailwind
yarn create video --tailwind

<img style={{width: "100%"}} src="/img/tailwind.gif" />

Yes, you can write a GIF in Tailwind now.

Springs with durationsโ€‹

You can now do this:

const fps = 30;
const value = spring({
config: {
damping: 200,
durationInFrames: 300,
const fps = 30;
const value = spring({
config: {
damping: 200,
durationInFrames: 300,

The result will be a spring animation that will take 10 seconds!

Why is this such a game changer? Normally, a spring animation curve is not defined by timing, but by physical parameters. It complicates planning quite a bit, as the duration of a spring is not well-defined. Theoretically, a spring animation is never finished, it keeps on going forever (even though after some time the movement is barely noticeable).

We introduced measureSpring() a while ago which allows you to calculate the duration of a spring by allowing you to set a threshold.

But to change the duration of a spring, you had to change the physics parameters which then in turn change the animation curve!

Until now - if you pass a duration to a spring, we will detect the trajectory of the curve and stretch it so it fits your duration.

<OffthreadVideo> componentโ€‹

This component is an alternative to the <Video> component that extracts frames using FFMPEG and renders them inside an <Img> tag.

We made the <OffthreadVideo> component in order to counteract problems with seeking and throttling that users were reporting with the <Video> tag. The new way improves reliability but has it's tradeoffs - read <OffthreadVideo> vs <Video> or check out our visual explanation on Instagram!

Follow us on Instagram where we explain concepts visually!

renderMedia() returns a bufferโ€‹

Previously you could only save your video to a file when using the renderMedia() and stitchFramesToVideo() APIs. Now it can also return a Node.JS Buffer!

@remotion/preload packageโ€‹

This new package offers three APIs that are handy for preloading assets before they appear in the <Player>: resolveRedirect(), preloadAudio() and preloadVideo().

We first announce and explain new features on Twitter!

If your screen real estate is tight, you may also hide the left sidebar now!